Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sales~~~~~and stuff

As many of you prepare for your full time life on the road, I read alot about your yard sales, garage sales, etc.  Well I too am having a sale....but this one is a little different because I am selling horse related stuff.  I have sold corral panels and gates.  I have just sold several blankets and horse related items as well this past weekend.  It is amazing how much stuff one does collect to fullfil a dream.  Most of the things I have left are items my horses and I have won over the years, trophy's, blankets, halters, chairs.....etc.  It will be difficult to get rid of this stuff but I have the memories and pictures to keep forever.

Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure of most of the horses we have raised/shown:


As we move closer to our dream of travel, I find myself wondering how it will feel to leave it all.  The house, the river, the horses..............knowing full well we can come back and see the river, and even the house and barn but yet I tear up at times just thinking about it.  Not owning our home on the river any more is bringing out mixed emotions but I am sure this is normal.  Our new home on wheels will settle those feelings down, no doubt.  The river is beautiful and we have lived here for close to 35 years....as long as we have been married as a matter of fact.  I remember when in the winter time it would be sooo cold it would freeze up solid in front of our home.  The kids had fun skating on it.  I even tried ice fishing a time or two.  I remember when we first started teaching the girls to water ski.  What a thrill that was.  They are both excellent.  But then that doesn't surprise me with how well their Dad can water ski and he was such a great instructor.  "It is easier to slolum" he would tell them.  We also had a jet ski and Emilee could ride that thing like no other, I remember.  I know I have some really cool pictures of her on it.  Oh and you can't believe how much fish I have taken out of the river....right off our dock.  My girls got sick of eating fish I think.  LOL

Yep there will be lots of fun memories to keep forever and ever......

Until next time~~~~Travel safely

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for following our blog. We know how challenging it can be to sell all your "stuff" and become full-timers. We are celebrating one year on the road this week. You have a beautiful 5th wheel and tow rig. Would love to hear more about it.


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