Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chill in the Air~~~~~

Holy moly the chill in the air this week has been a wake up call (time to dig out warmer jackets) and the goodness it has been distructive.  Gives new meaning to the future we have ahead of us for which we will be following the 70 degree temps around the country.  Oh my that does give me goosebumps to think about it.  We will not miss this part of the seasonal changes we have here in Iowa.  Winter is right around the corner and I have found it is getting harder and harder to appreciate the changes in our weather.  Used to be I loved winter and snow.....not so much anymore.  LOL

Nothing much else new to report except the rig will be home soon.  DH is flying to California Sunday to pick it up and start home.  I hope he has an uneventful trip with it.  He plans to drop down into Phoenix to show Emilee and she can't wait to see it and him.

Until next time~~~~Travel safely