Now I know why we have decided to follow 70ish weather around the country instead of retiring and staying put. This kinda of below zero wind chill day is not enjoyable here in Iowa at all. Especially when the puppies and I went over to feed the horses. They are even they got extra hay today.
We will be driving out of here next Saturday to warmer temps and that day can't come soon enough. Sounds like our coldest day will be tomorrow but at least the winds are suppose to die down. It takes ones breath away let me tell you. Be happy all our followers from Iowa that you are not here right now.
Today I plan to get some more cut-out cookies done. The oven will help keep the house nice and toasty. I love baking when it is cold outside. Don't you? Visited with Mom this morning and she is baking today too...making her famous cinnamon rolls. She is sending some out to Phoenix with us for Christmas morning. Yummooo!!
Check out these cookies!! I had some Candy Cane Kisses and decided to use them....I found this recipe online and they are awesome!
CJ, Oprah and Mandee go in tomorrow for foofooing. The poodles always look so pretty with there poodle haircuts. CJ is getting a good bath and trimming as well. He has soooo much hair he can lose a little. LOL I will give Libby a bath here at home as she is easy to do. I hope someday I can learn how to trim the poodles which will help with reducing expenses once we take off down the road.
I best get a move on here or I won't get all those cookies done....
Until next time~~~~Travel safely