Thursday, July 28, 2011

Finished up packing the Fiver frig~~~~~

last night along with many other items we will need for our next adventure.  We certainly hope our destination in Colorado takes us to cooler weather.  One can only hope and the forecast there shows that we should get some relief and also we will be on a lake so that should help as well.  Hard to believe how much stuff we need when we take a trip like this.  But to me it makes sense because we will not be eating or drinking out at all which is a big vacation expense.  I enjoy cooking so it does not bother me to prepare meals while on the road.  Stay tuned.....

I have many yummy meals planned and will keep the blog updated with photos of our mini vacation which will start tomorrow at around 2 or 3.  We plan to get to Des Moines Friday and then put a good day in Saturday with a Sunday noon check in at Boyd Lake Campground, Colorado.


Until next time~~~~ Travel Safely