Today is absolutely one of those fall days that I do love here in Iowa in that the temp is right around 55+, sun is shining with a slight breeze. The river is gleaming this morning very pretty.
I spent the night with my mother last night because she has been sick with the flu and now a head cold. She took a hot shower and I rolled up her hair and now she is napping which is the best thing for this illness. I hate those darn viruses that jump on ya at any given moment. I had just gotten my flu shot on Thursday so hopefully whatever she does have I won't get. If I do I do....she was not going to be alone last night due to how weak she has become. I will run back over there in a bit to take her a bite to eat. Not sure what yet but will figure that out too.
Not much else to report today. Except, when I go over to the barn to feed the horses (this is where our Fiver and Truck are parked) I climb in and sit for a bit and just look around and admire this unbelievable home on wheels. It is amazing the storage space...I mean they fill every nook and cranny with a storage space of some sort in these things. I bet we won't have any trouble filling it up though. LOL
Until next time~~~~Travel safely