Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The desert life for a few~~~~~

Enjoy the pictures from our new home #526 (13) for 3 1/2 weeks.  Pool, hot tub, walking, running, we are very near Emilee's new home too.  Life is good!


Look close and you can see I put out my humming bird feeder! 

We met Dick the neighbor and Brandi their poodle!  so cute!  His wife wasn't home from playing bridge at the club yet!
We had a sad goodbye this morning with June and Gene our dog loving neighbors but we hope they will be able to come see us while we are here at Pioneer RV on Pioneer Road.  There is a neat pioneer museum near this park along with a saloon and place for a bite to eat!  That will be tomorrow night to celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary!
Had to add this picture of Libby watching for the quail, rabbits, and ground squirrels...this dog is in heaven right now and so are we!
Until Next Time~~~~Travel Safely