Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lazy Day New Year~~~~~

We had it that's for sure....Football, snacking and alittle yard work.

We had a nice new year at Rum Runners with Emilee.  Met alot of really nice people who all had so many nice things to say about Em.  We were proud parents for sure.  We walked home around 11:00 and Em was dropped off at around 1:30 by a couple of really nice ladies we met. They had taken Em to a place called Pappadouix's here in Phoenix to congratulate her for her promotion and they highly recommend we go there while we are here so we plan to do that this week.

I cooked last night.....marinated italian chicken, spagetti with my homemade sauce, corn and crescents.  For dessert I had made banana bars with cream cheese frosting earlier.

Today will be a busy day for Emilee which is the reason I didn't go into work with her.  I decided to wait until she is ready for me to volunteer.  Craig and I have a few things to do today and I will need to plan for supper tonight as well.

Until Next Time~~~~Travel Safely