Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow day~~~~~

I think this is the first time in my 20 year career that my company closed down due to the weather.  Hopefully I will be able to get in tomorrow.  My road is quite snow covered with drifts that my Prius will not get through.  One of my great neighbors will hopefully take care of it yet today.  The wind is terrible yet and tonight we are expecting -10 with wind chills at around -30!! Yuck!!

I wish I was some place nice and warm like my brother Mike and wife Kathy.  They are in the Keys on their sailboat for three months.  They had the nerve to call me yesterday and rub in the fact that it was 78 degrees and sunny!!  Some day we will be down visiting them during their 3 month time in the beautiful Florida Keys.

Stay safe all..............

Until next time~~~~Travel safely


  1. Sorry you are in such bad weather. As much as I love snow, I think you are all getting way too much this year. It would be too much for me, too! Just keep thinking about the day you have wheels on your full time house, and can move from place to place following the sun if you want. :)

  2. Do guys live in your RV now, still working, and have not gotten on the road yet?

    Sounds like visiting your family in Florida would be nice....I love sailing!

  3. I feel for all of you stuck in Iowa. My boys said it is awful in Cedar Rapids and Decorah. I don't miss the shoveling or driving on the icy roads.

  4. When you say snow you mean this
    But we are here in the sun
    Stay Warm.


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