Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ahhhhhhhhhh~~~~~Rain and Bed

Go so well together......I know you feel the same way.  Now this looks and feels like a typical Iowa morning in October.  Duck hunting season is now in full swing and my brothers are out there as I type trying to get their limits with their trusty Labs by their sides.  Along with our Dad.  He is no longer with us except in our hearts but he certainly doesn't miss the duck hunting with the boys because they have some of his ashes floating (in a duck decoy)right there amongst the others.  Some may find this morbid but I think it is a very respectful way to honor our Dad....who lived as my brothers do for duck season every year~~~~~~

I come from a family of four other siblings all boys.....yep I am the only girl Mom and Dad were "blessed" with.  They say the sex of your child is determined by the male.  Gosh that used to bug me but it is now totally understandable since my Dad would not have been able to handle more then one of me.  Just ask any one of my brothers they will tell you.  I wouldn't want it any other way though.  My brothers, Mike, Tom, Tim and Scott are the best in the world.  We are truly blessed!  Our Mother is still the center of all of our lives.  She is our rock, our leader, our friend......she lends her ear as needed but never judges...I think she is proud of her litter.  LOL  We are lucky to have her with us~~~~~~for many more years to come.

Craig comes from a family of 3 other siblings.  Janet, Julie and Scott they are....his Mom and Dad did it right and kept it equal.  Craig fits in between Janet and Julie.  The two Scott's of our families are the babies.  His stories of his childhood are very entertaining and joyful!  He of course was a typical boy but was and still is the apple of his Mom's eye.  Speaking of Momlou, she is loving, caring, a great listener (has to be a mom thing), she does not judge, and lends her support to all of us.  We are truly lucky to have our Moms still in our lives because so many others our age do not.

My goodness I have rambled on this morning.

Until next time~~~~~Travel safely