Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fiver Open House~~~~~

DH is making his way home.  Bed is very very comfortable, he reports.  Emilee's reaction was Mom you are gonna $#$#.  It is huge, she said.  I am very happy with her reaction and am looking forward to seeing it in person in a few days myself.  (goosebumps and butterflies)

I plan to have an open "fiver" house warming so all of our family and friends can have a look.  Has anyone else done this?  I can't wait to get started.....cleaning it, decorating it, etc.  Can't believe I said I can't wait to clean something?!?! That's a first.  LOL  We want to let all of those nay sayers see what our future holds and I truly believe they will change their opinions once they see our "new" RV home.  Some folk can't believe we are giving up our "River" home. 

While we have many wonderful memories in this home, we plan to have just as many in our home on wheels.  They will see especially if they follow our blog.  We would like to welcome our new followers Bill and Cap.